Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Beginnings

silent emotion, too tender for words
to express
the enormity
of it all

the blessings, so whole
it mystifies
her heart

she is quiet
with the beauty
too tender for words

    ~ kelly rae roberts~

i love new beginnings. staring fresh with a clean slate.
i always loved the first day of school.
i love new years day. to me, a beginning is a fresh start.
leave the past in the past, learn from the mistakes, and mis-steps.
(boy, have i made A LOT of those! )
today marks the start of a new beginning for me.
i have decided to pursue a career in art.
i am afraid but i made this decision last summer,
but haven't done anything to start moving forward with it. until now.
i've taken classes on creating an art business. i've taken classes in art.
are you familiar with the book "the artist's way" by julia cameron?
i picked it up at the d.i. yes, i was looking for it.. along with a vintage rolodex...(can i just say i love thrift store shopping?)
its basically a 12 week home course to work your way through the
fear or blockage you feel, to start you on a path to what you really want
in an artistic profession.
i'm starting to buckle up. it's going to be a hell of a ride, i can feel it coming.
i can feel deep within my heart . the tide in my soul  is starting to
rise. the waves of past emotions and fears are starting to hit
the barriers of my consciousness.  it's time to shed some of the baggage i have been carrying for 40+ years. and you know what?  i'm ready. i'm ready to make changes. I'm ready to be free. i'm ready to pursue the nameless longing i have had for so many years and become what my Father has in store for me. it is scary.
and in some ways i am very afraid.
but in most ways, i am starting to become giddy with anticipation.
i feel like i do when i haven't been to disneyland in a long time, and i am in line for pirates!
it will most likely be quite painful at times.
it will be worth it. so i have decided to re-do my blog, (y'all didn't know i even had one, did you?) and post my journey here. maybe it will help someone, someday.
                      come join me.

my dear friend cricket did a list of 13 things about herself on her blog, so i will
share 13 things about me that you may or may not know. half good,
and well, half not so good!

1- i was named athena (was supposed to be heather) because i was so homely when i was born, my mom said i needed all the help i could get.

2- i have serious abandonment issues and it makes me want to rescue all the homeless animals.

3- i love scooby - doo cartoons also sponge bob..

4- i love my family. they are everything to me but i tend to beat myself up over mistakes i make in parenting them. then i will agonize over what a rotten mother i am.

5- sometimes my emotions get the best of me, and i speak without using my brain, lol!

6- my favorite drink is a shirley temple. with lots of cherries in it please...

7- i have the MOST awesome hair! it's naturally curly. i can do it straight,
or curly. i get a ton of comments on it when i'm doing it at the gym.

8- i grew up playing musical instruments. i play (or used to) the flute, the piccolo, the bagpipes, and the tenor drum. loved it all! i intend to pick up my flute again, when i am done de-cluttering my bedroom.

9-i'm such a light sleeper that i need to use ear plugs, and a sleeping mask to sleep at night.
last year at bear lake i forgot my mask, and had to buy a bandanna to put on my eyes so i could sleep!

10 - i love, love, looovveee disneyland. i can't get there often enough, and i have a sweatshirt collection from there, and i get a new one every time we go.

11- i love the smell of mentholatum. i always have a jar near me. it makes me happy.

12- i have a compulsive need to smell everything.

13- after i graduated from cosmetology school, i got a job with sam brocato's salon / school in baton rouge la. but i didn't go, because i was really scared i wasn't good enough.

There you have it. my thirteen.
have a great weekend!

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